Monday, October 22, 2007

Latin American schools don't measure up - 10/21/2007 -

Latin American schools don't measure up - 10/21/2007 -

Carlos Erban said...
I am shocked by the constant barrage of racist comments against Hispanics. I am for freedom of speech, but some of these comments should be removed.

For people that are serious about this issue, I think that these macro-figures are a 50,000 feet view, are based on mean values, and miss on some realities about the education level in Latin America.

I arrived to the U.S. when I was 13 years old and all the students like me from Latin America were automatically placed 2 or 3 years ahead in science and math. We caught in English within 3 months. If you review the list of High School Valedictorians and Salutatorians in S. Florida, you will notice most are Hispanics. I was one of them. I went to Harvard and had the same experience. Most students from Latin America stood-out. The same happens at MIT. As a matter of fact, if you look at the numbers of Professors at MIT and Harvard for Math and Sciences, it is disproportionaley high for foreigners. If you visit MIT's campus, you feel that you are in Asia or Latin America!

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