Sunday, August 19, 2007


Blogger: The Oppenheimer Report on Latin America - Post a Comment

My Comments:
I have voted in every election process, signed and re-signed the petition for referendum, every single time against Chavez. Although I made line for 10 hours for the referendum and 6 hours for the last elections at the Venezuelan Consulate in Miami, it easy for me to do so because I live in the U.S. and do not work directly or indirectly for the Venezuelan Government. However, many millions of people who would vote against Chavez are afraid to do so.
First, there is the “cheat” factor. As demonstrated by Professors Housemann from Harvard and Rigobon from MIT in their “ Cisne Negro” study, the referendum results were manipulated at
Second, there is the “scare” factor. In my view, this factor could have turned the elections to Rosales if everyone would have voted without being scared for retribution. I am sure you are familiar with the “capta huellas” (digital finger print) used to link the who voted for whom at the polls. You also can find the MaiSanta-Tascon list of all the people who signed the referendum. They cannot work for any Government institution or worse yet cannot even get the necessary permits to operate a private enterprise. You can find the list and the video where Chavez threatens anyone “signing” at You can also find in video filmed at PDVSA where employees where threaten to be fired by the President Ramirez if they did not vote for Chavez.
I wish you would mention these factors in your article so that your readers know what we are up against.

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